Patience with Others
I'm writing this blog post today to talk about how I'm coping with my frustration with the slow growth of another person.
Through my 12 Step program, a lot of research on personality disorders, and court orders, I'm experiencing a breakthrough with this person. We will be connected for all our lives through family. This forces me to put my pride aside, and to meet this person where they are. I have had to release (get rid of) my resentments toward them, and to engage them where they are.
The process is working. By tiny steps, the person is opening their mind to new concepts of recovery. The person endured very difficult family of origin issues. And the processes that we familiarize ourselves with through the Twelve Steps are new and unfamiliar, but due to the fact that we refrain from condemnation of others in our program, this person is slowly coming out of hiding, so to speak.
There is a child involved. The one has control issues over the life of the child.
My challenge today, is to trust God to protect this child, while the other slowly opens his mind to some his own character defects. Today, he shared with me that he noticed that "sometimes he is passive, and then other times aggressive". This is an enormous breakthrough in awareness. I encouraged and applauded him.
My prayer today is that I can continue to trust the orchestration of timing of the growth and recovery of this situation, and not allow my impatience to sabotage it.
I write this blog post as a coping strategy, in the event that others can relate. I hope that it helps someone.