100 Shawls Gatherings
100 Shawls Gatherings for Women has a beautiful inception and purpose. Beginning as a vision seen by a local tribal elder, 100 Shawls has become a movement. These quarterly gatherings embrace the sacredness of women; their care, their gifts, their most important relationships, and their purposes. If you would like to learn more about our next 100 Gathering (our third), click the link below. We hope your bring your energy to these sacred events, and that you are always wrapped in the warmth, protection and beauty of your shawl. Gift certificates are also available for your loved ones as gifts for the holidays.
The Story and Message of the 100 Shawls Movement
The shawl has always given women a sense of warmth, protection, beauty, and expression, often handed down through female ancestral lines. Wrap yourself in your most meaningful shawl, join us, and share its story and your own. Each quarter, a community of women and supporters gather at Jasmine Hill Retreat in Wildomar, CA., to build and grow this sacred "hoop" of women. Each participant adds her own energy to this spiritually empowering gathering dedicated to the mutual awakening of and for women. Unleash massive potential for yourself and for the healing of women everywhere.
This in-person event is a celebration of femininity, creativity, and connection. This event is also a personal invitation to explore our Artists' Wellness Collaborative. If you have an art form or support someone who does, we would love to collaborate with you.
Absorb the knowledge of professional offerings from highly experienced facilitators. Explore the unique creations of our thoughtfully chosen vendors. Nourish your body and soul. At this event, you'll be able to engage in meaningful conversations, participate in four inspiring workshops, and enjoy delicious refreshments.
Fulfill the Native elder’s vision of thunderous, transformative power when the hoop reaches “100 Shawls”. In 2018, upon seeing this land at Jasmine Hill Retreat, a Cahuilla tribal elder received a vision of awakening women, “shawls,” gathering in a circle here, predicting that when the “hoop” reaches 100 women, a power like thunder will be released.
We are dedicated to honoring the Spirit by manifesting this elder’s vision. If you feel from within that you are meant to be one of the 100, let us prepare your place for you. On March 16, 2024, come and experience our third powerful women’s gathering, and bring this power potential into the future for yourself and all women. The released power can catapult you to qualitatively new spiritual and material fulfillment levels. This is an energy booster for each participant and the collective as a whole. Be there - be present, and add your energy to the power explosion.
Only you will know if your energy is meant to be an irreplaceable element of this massive power potential, and you will claim your place in this hoop. We offer you our warmest invitation to be a part of the movement of 100 Shawls; for the protection, nurture, engagement and strength of women.